Starting a new game, starting a new job hunt

Oded Magger
1 min readJul 4, 2016

I recently left my job as a software engineer in a cool mobile gaming company, and decided to take advantage of the ‘in-between’ period to fulfill a dream and bring a new computer game to life.

I’ve been running with the idea for this game for a while now, but never sat down to actually make it because of the usual excuses. I am (was…) very devoted to my job, and who has the strength after 10 hours of coding to sit down at night and fire up Unity?

Well, some people do. I didn’t. But from now and until I start working at a new job, excuses no more.

Creating a big game is a daunting and complex task. So is job hunting, and so is another pet project of mine I won’t mention herein. Writing about how I’m progressing in both fronts will help me keep my head straight, and I suspect it might be interesting to anyone who ever dreamed of making their own game, or anyone who ever hunted for a job in software engineering.

Wish me luck :) .

